Got a burning makeup Q?! We've got your back!
whats your go-to product for parties, it has to stay on all night!
I always think that I'm not that good at applying lipstick. Is it best to use a lip liner or do it straight from the lipstick. Grateful for any tips or suggestions 😍
could anyone please advise how to get makeup brushes properly cleaned especially foundation brushes thank you 😊
never have I tried a Nyx foundation .. im a combi oily tone, sweaty girl does anyone have any recommendations? thank
Could anyone recommend lip liners that suit darker skin tones? I have been looking for one for ages
How can I stop getting the nyx brow glue to flake and turn white?
i have a friend who asked me to do her makeup for a date night like how I do mine on evenings out (glam /smokey eye/winged) problem is she has completely different eyes 😗 hooded and slope down rather than up. Really not keen but said yes 😱 any tips would help! wouldn't know what to do with liquid eyeliner on that type of eye shape. Her eyes are also blue 💙
I went to sign up to test a product, and saw the only country options are UK or Ireland. So my question is, if there is a version of nyx addyx version for the US. thanks